A Firm Believer in Active & Healthy Lifestyle

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Pennywort Juice (Air Pegaga)

Pennywort Juice peddlers had gone extinct as the years goes by, Use to remember seeing them so often by the roadside, mainly around the busy roads of Penang Island. All Malaysians regardless of race knows the health benefits of drinking Pennywort Juice or its call Jus Pegaga in Malay, which we fondly call it as well :). Preparing it is not a tedious process. Just adding water to blend the plant and squeeze or filter out the juice. Serving it with sugar syrup and ice would be the most ideal method as the taste of the Chlorophyll is pungent to some people. But none the less, it's a traditional drink during the hot weather and is suitable for all ages as well.

I bought about 2 handful of Pennywort Plant from Aeon Big at the cost of RM5 for both. After blending it all together with about 700ml of plain cooked water. You will need to filter the fibre through a siev. Then you will have a finish product of Pegaga Juice. Add in Syrup and Ice before serving it, if you feel its too concentrated, you can add in some plain water as well. Enjoy trying!

Some basic writeup of Air Pegaga / Pennywort Juice.
The health benefits of the pennywort plant were acknowledged many centuries ago for the treatment of various conditions. It is used as part of ayurvedic medicine, especially in traditional Indian and Chinese medicine practices. Pennywort is a perennial herb that originates in moist areas. It is native to India, Sri Lanka, Northern Australia as well as a few other areas in Asia. Pennywort has been associated with a few Asian Legends. It is alleged Tai Chi Chuan master, Li Ching-Yun, lived to the age of 256 years due to an assortment of herbs he consumed daily, one being pennywort. Another folklore tale is of King Aruna and his use of pennywort. He believed it enabled him the energy and stamina necessary for his harem of 50 women.

Pennywort is also known as centella asiatica, gotu kola, asiatic and indian pennywort, brahmi, marsh pennywort, common pennywort, waternavel, sombrevillo de aqua, bachelor's buttons and penny grass. The various names contribute to the region and language it is being used in around the world.

This herb works by averting a disorderly manner of the absorption of nutrition and corrects this process through an improved progression of digestion of nutrients. Pennywort has properties of being antibacterial, anti-viral, and anti- inflammatory. It contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, and B6 as well as the minerals, calcium, magnesium, sodium, manganese, and zinc.

The benefits of pennywort tea are numerous and many people use this tea as a health tonic. Maintaining youth and the treatment of arthritis are its most popular use. It is recongized as a longivity herb because of its ability to help rebuild connective tissue, which in turn, can slow the aging process. Plus, it has been commended as a great antidote for improving memory and, therefore, considered food for the brain. Studies have indicated by consuming 2-4 raw pennywort leaves a day may help sharpen alertness and memory and rejuvenate the brain. There is important research being conducted to observe the effects this herb can have on those suffering with Alzheimer’s disease.

The central nervous system can receive amazing benefits with the consumption of pennywort. This herb works well in relaxing the mind and can assist in certain nervous disorders, senility, strokes, ADD, and epilepsy. It can be utilized as a nerve tonic when coping with mental stress and fatigue and encourage sleep due to a nervous condition.

Pennywort can help protect our immune system from toxins. High blood pressure, congestive heart failure, venereal diseases and urinary tract infections are a few of a range of illnesses that can be treated with this remarkable herb. Because of its antibiotic properties, it has the capability to speed up the healing process of wounds. Futhermore, pennywort can improve blood flow while also reinforcing veins and capillaries, making them stronger. Studies have shown it to be beneficial in healing and preventing phlebitis, leg cramps, and blood clots as well as decrease the appearance of varicose veins. It is effective in bringing down fever and treating dysentery in children, which is a servere form of diarrhea.

Pennywort has also proved to cleanse and purify the blood stream and can remedy certain skin conditions such as eczema, chronic ulcers, sores, and scleroderma, which is a condition that hardens the skin. A powder can be made from the leaves of this plant and applied to the eruptions on the skin.

Happy trying readers!

Thursday, 3 July 2014

DIY Foam Roller

I have tried so many rollers but none gave me the satisfying feel of a deep  tissue / muscle massage. As our Asian body frame is smaller and our muscles are more compact, it is hard to get a roller to perform as expected…sigh… So I was thinking to myself that enough is enough. Its time that I DIY my own roller, to fit my own physical needs. Ok! Here is what you need:

       1.  4 inch Diameter (1.5 Feet long)       
             PVC Pipe
       2.  Foam Sheet
       3.  All surface glue
       4.  Tape

   1.       Wash the pipe and dry     it properly.

   2.       Apply glue inch by inch     and slowly roll the             foam onto the pipe.

   3.       Once the foam has           covered the pipe, cut         off the extra.

   4.       As you will see extra         foams at both sides,         Fold all the extra into         the PVC pipe.

   5.       Make sure before you fold in the extra, do apply glue to the excessive foam, So it       will stick inside the pipe.

   6.       Use the tape to tape up the inside of the pipe to make it look tidy.

       What is Foam Rolling About?

       Foam rolling is a self-myofascial release (SMR) technique that is used by athletes and physical therapists to inhibit overactive muscles. This form of stretching utilizes the concept of autogenic inhibition to improve soft tissue extensibility, thus relaxing the muscle and allowing the activation of the antagonist muscle.
This technique can be effective for many muscles, including: gastrocnemius, latissimus dorsi, piriformis, adductors, quadriceps, hamstrings, hip flexors, thoracic spine (trapezius and rhomboids), and TFL. It is accomplished by rolling the foam roller under each muscle group until a tender area is found, and maintaining pressure on the tender areas (known as trigger points) for 30 to 60 seconds.

While there is currently a lack of research completed with actual foam rollers, it is widely recognized that foam rollers have the same effects as deep-tissue massage. There has been lots of research on the effects of massage on the body much of which can also be carried over to rolling.

The equipment that is used for foam rolling usually consists of a foam cylinder of various sizes; commonly 12 inches long, 6 inches in diameter. However, longer foam rolls up to 36 inches in length are produced for rolling over certain muscles in the back. A variety of foam roller densities exist, often denoted by the color of the roller. Those new to foam rolling, or those who have particularly tight muscles or severe trigger points, often start with a softer foam roll. White rollers are typically softer, while blue and black rolls tend to be much firmer.

Courtesy of Wikipedia

Introducing My Bicycle Shop

In the middle of a peaceful yet serene township of BU4, lies a very low profile bicycle shop named “MY Bicycle Shop”. It’s a neighbourhood friendly bicycle shop that many parents would take their kids to buy their first bicycle as well as grandparents would bring their grandchildren’s bicycle for repair. This shop is so low profile that, not many knows, even some selected Cycling Competition Champions frequents this shop. Not to mention that they do serious  sponsorship to Pro Cyclist as well…..

Its has everything that you need for your cycling pleasure, be it you are a casual cyclist or a pro cyclist. If you cant find it, Our friendly “Johnny” will be able to order it for you. The first time I entered this shop, which was years ago. It brought me back a familiar childhood feeling of excitement when we enter into a stationary shop. You would have to spend some time looking into every nook and cranny to see if there is anything that fascinates you. In this case, it is bicycle parts for me now after growing up lol.

As for pricing, I find this shop is very appealing as their pricing is very reasonable. As for their customer service, they are very down to earth. With a combination of good pricing and great customer service, what more can we ask for? That is why I am recommending “My Bicycle Shop” to all my Trainees , Followers, Friends & Family.

Their Motto  GO GREEN!

This is where you will find them:

My Bicycle Shop
  • Lot G3, BU 4, Bandar Utama,
  • 47800 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
  • 016 632 2599

- Me with a "Champion Bike"